Sme prvotriedna jazyková škola na kurzy nemeckého, anglického a latinského jazyka. Naše jazykové kurzy majú základ v moderných koncepciách výučby a v ponuke máme intenzívne denné kurzy aj večerné lekcie. Nemčinu, obchodnú nemčinu, angličtinu, obchodnú angličtinu, taliančinu a latinčinu Vás budeme učiť v malých skupinách - takže Vám dokážeme garantovať úspech. Učte sa po nemecky a po anglicky v srdci Viedne!
Ignacio B. (Španielsko) Kurz nemeckého jazyka vo Viedni: S vašou jazykovou akadémiou som veľmi spokojný a budem ju odporúčať každému vo svojom okolí aj budúcim študentom v programe Erasmus. Ak sa v budúcnosti ešte vrátim do Viedne, rád by som sa zúčastnil ďalších kurzov nemeckého jazyka. Len tak ďalej!
Foreign languages & career
Your gateway to new career opportunities!
German is the official language of the Republic of Austria and is the mother tongue of about 98% of Austrian citizens. English is by far the most widely learned first foreign language used in international business life.
Advanced language skills provide to you the foundation to relationships with customers and partners. Knowing a foreign language is an important asset for many companies doing business in local and international context. Business leaders know that the ability to communicate with others in their own language is essential in maintaining their connection with current and potential customers abroad. With good English, you are one step ahead!
Many recruiters consider the following skills as critical in addition to the respective job-specific skills:
• Social skills
• Computer literacy
• Languages
While English is the most indispensable requirement, any additional foreign language increases the chances of success. The EU encourages all its citizens to be multilingual. The most widely spoken mother tongue in the EU is German, while 51% of adults can understand English. The European future is thereby assured, and the prospect is taking shape of a great community embracing people of different languages, customs and beliefs. Building a shared understanding and respect for Europe's diversities and commonalities as elements of our European multi-cultural identity and heritage
For this reason, the abc Language Institute has focused on teaching English and German, offering a wide selection of general language programs as well as businesscourses (e.g. Business English, Business German, German for nurses). All our courses are taught by native speakers who have many years of experience in teaching foreign languages. So we create a learning experience that allows you to find your source of inspiration.