Somos uma escola de idiomas de primeira linha para cursos de Alemão, cursos de Inglês e cursos de Latim. Os nossos cursos de idiomas têm por base um conceito moderno e oferecemos aulas noturnas e cursos diurnos intensivos. Aprenderá Alemão, Alemão Empresarial, Inglês, Inglês Empresarial e Latim em pequenos grupos - para que possamos garantir o seu sucesso. Aprenda Alemão e Inglês no coração de Viena!
Ignacio B. (Spain) German Course in Vienna: I am very satisfied with your language academy and I will recommend it to everyone around me and the future erasmus students. I hope to attend more german courses if I come back to Vienna in the future once again. Continue like that !!!
Information and resources for your Language Course in Vienna
Learn German:
Deutsche Welle German Course free of charge - Learn German interactive for both beginners and advanced
Deutsch perfekt Learn German - a magazine with a lot of German training material, tests, etc. for all levels
Leo Wörterbuch Online dictionary for your language course - English, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Russian, etc.
ORF TV Thek Mediatheque of Austrian Broadcasting Corp. - News feeds about politics, business, culture, sport
Learn English:
Spotlight Learn English - a magazine with a lot of English training material, tests, etc. for all levels
Business Spotlight English for your job - an english magazine with compehensive English training material
Vienna Review a local Austrian newspaper with news feeds about Vienna and Austria (City life, politics, culture)
BBC a comprehensive English learning platform with international news feeds, podcasts, downloads
CNN delivers the latest international breaking news and information on politics, business, sport, etc.